Special Events
These are large-scale events, like conferences, lectures, and spectacles like the pop-up Museum of Memories that we organize, sometimes collaboratively. Join us for our events and tell your friends about them as well. Most of our events are open to the public with RSVP.
Exploring Emptiness

The Godrej India Culture Lab proudly hosted the iconic Japanese designer Kenya Hara (of Muji fame) during his visit to Mumbai in February 2012 and organized a lecture by him called 'Exploring Emptiness' at the Taj Land's End Hotel, in association with the Taj group of hotels, Tokyo Fashion Week in India, METI and Infinity.20 February 2012
Continue to EventUrban (Re) Imagination

The Godrej India Culture Lab organized Urban (Re)Imagination 1: The city as a site for magical possibilities on the 15th of January 2011. It was a celebration of alternative ways of seeing and being; a framing of cities in general and Mumbai in particular are a space for re-mixing, creative solutions and unlimited possibilities. The conference was split into 3 parts (Re)Imagining History, (Re)Imagining Geography and (Re)Imagining Community. 15 January 2011
Continue to Event#WhatMatters- An Instagram Live Chat with Yashica Dutt

We are so proud to present our brand new Instagram Live series *#WhatMatters-* conversations with people across the world doing meaningful work on the subjects of history, caste, gender and sexuality, environment, tech, education and more. Every month, we will host online Q&A sessions, bringing the magic of #VivaVikhroli digitally to your phones! We marked Dalit history month by hosting an enlightening live conversation with* Yashica Dutt*, journalist and the author of Coming Out as Dalit.
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