Urban (Re) Imagination

Urban (Re) Imagination

Urban (Re) Imagination

15 January 2011

The Godrej India Culture Lab organized Urban (Re)Imagination 1: The city as a site for magical possibilities on the 15th of January 2011. It was a celebration of alternative ways of seeing and being; a framing of cities in general and Mumbai in particular are a space for re-mixing, creative solutions and unlimited possibilities. The conference was split into 3 parts (Re)Imagining History, (Re)Imagining Geography and (Re)Imagining Community. 

The list of speakers included Harvard University's Homi Bhabha, Princeton University's Gyan Prakash, oral historian Kabi, Dasra's Neera Nundy, performer Joi Barua and many more.

You can watch our composite  Urban (Re)Imagination 1 video below and also view many of the other talks and performances that were held that day in our video gallery. This conference received widespread attention in the press, including among others the Times of India.