The work and activities of the Godrej India Culture Lab have drawn the attention of the media ever since our inception. Here is a selection of some of the coverage we’ve received. If you’re from the press and would like to visit our lab, attend some of our events, or would like specific images of certain events, please mail us on
The Hindu
Love is all you need

Durrani will be conducting a masterclass at the Godrej India Culture Lab on how connectivity across the world has built bridges of understanding between communities, be it romantic or otherwise. “Examine the news, there is a gathering tsunami of intolerance, misogyny and racism everywhere you t...26 January 2017
Read MoreHindustan Times
Colours of hope: Films, hugs and a flash mob for LGBT rights

India’s biggest pride march, Azadi March, heads to the streets on January 28 in Mumbai to legalise homosexuality. Events are on all week from Saturday. “Since the first March was held [in 2008], the movement has grown in incredible ways,” says Parmesh Shahani, who heads the Godrej India Culture...21 January 2017
I will use this platform to push for inclusivity in India

LGBTQ activist and head of the Godrej India Culture Lab in Vikhroli (Mumbai) Parmesh Shahani was the only Indian to be named senior TED Fellow this year. 12 January 2017
Read MoreMid-Day
When the arts become the voice

A panel discussion at the Godrej India Culture Lab will talk about how diverse art forms can provide a vital platform for LGBTQ rights and activism14 December 2016
Read MoreThe Ladies Finger
Studying Lavani Dance For Years Has Taught Me All About My Grandparents’ World

Yesterday I curated a day-long Lavani festival at Godrej India Culture Lab, where I work. It was an attempt to explore the divergent forms, styles and genres of Lavani academically, visually, musically, and performatively. Through this festival I engaged with fundamental questions like ‘What ma...4 December 2016
Read MoreBrown Paper Bag
Lachak Life: Inside A Lavani Dancer’s Make-Up Kit

The secrets to some of the most elaborate make-up in Bombay sit in a steel-lined vanity case that looks like it holds a nuclear button. It belongs to Anil Hankare, TV star and celebrated lavani dancer, whom we catch as he prepares for a major show at the India Culture Lab’s Lavani Live! festiva...30 November 2016
Read MoreFirstpost
Performance politics: Not just a dance form, Lavani is a commentary on gender, caste, sex

In the contemporary times Lavani has been interestingly experimented with across the varied genres of theatre, popular culture and digitised mediums of expression. For my curation of Lavani LIVE! I have tried to explore the divergent stories, styles and discourses around Lavani. These conversat...26 November 2016
Read MoreDaily O
You have sex. Let's talk about it.

Our unwillingness to talk about sex risks us from realising the possibilities of critical discussions on larger societal problems. The writer, Brian Horton will talk about sex and much more at an adda he is curating this Friday with Godrej India Culture Lab. 7 November 2016
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