
The work and activities of the Godrej India Culture Lab have drawn the attention of the media ever since our inception. Here is a selection of some of the coverage we’ve received. If you’re from the press and would like to visit our lab, attend some of our events, or would like specific images of certain events, please mail us on



What happens when the definition of a ‘feminist’ is hotly debated?  There have been many citizen responses since the ‘Nirbhaya’ Delhi gang rape of 2012 — and they have included protests, plays, safety apps that can be downloaded on cell phones and more. And actually, these responses keep on com...16 September 2015

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The Sindhian

The Cultural Guru

The Samarkand at the Taj served as the perfect rendezvous point for Maya Raaj and culture aficionado Parmesh Shahani.1 September 2015


The Hindu

A Feminist Agenda

Godrej India Culture Lab fostered a dialogue about gender. To promote its feminist documentary film festival in India, Godrej India Culture Lab aimed to reach out to artists, writers, actors, academicians, students, corporate professionals, photographers and other documentary filmmakers to enga...20 August 2015

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The Quint

Inside a Feminist Film Festival

As Mumbai woke up to India’s Independence Day with songs of patriotism (of Shaheeds, Jawans and Khoon ) blaring through everywhere, in an alternate universe a feminist docu film festival was stirring to life, celebrating Independence in a new form. The ‘Wandering Women: Feminist Docu Film Festi...17 August 2015

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Hindustan Times

This film festival will change the way you look at women

 Conceptualised by the feminist webzine, The Ladies Finger, and Godrej India Culture Lab, it Wan showcase documentaries and viral videos which were feminist in nature.15 August 2015

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Performance Poetry: The New Wave

India has a rich history in poetry, which is passed down through performances in mushairas and kavi sammelans. That rich past is now married to the global phenomenon of spoken poetry, which is gaining ground in India through various forums. In Art matters we look at an interesting collective th...15 August 2015

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The Daily Pao

Attend a festival of films on boundary-breaking women

The Godrej India Culture Lab is marking Independence Day with Wandering Women: The Feminist Docu Film Festival of India, a two-day event starting Saturday, August 15. The festival, a collaboration with The Ladies Finger, the feminist culture and opinion website, will feature documentaries, femi...13 August 2015

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A Feminist Documentary Festival at the Godrej India Culture Lab

An attempt to encapsulate the feminist crusade in India, is an upcoming documentary festival by the Godrej India Culture Lab in collaboration with the feminist website The Ladies Finger. “Wandering Women: The Feminist Docu Film Festival of India” is scheduled for the Independence Day weekend, o...6 August 2015

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