India's Digital Futures

Ralph Simon, Rikin Gandhi, Bill Thies and Nikhil Pahwa

India's Digital Futures

18 November 2011

Four incredible speakers from London, Delhi and Bangalore came to the Godrej India Culture Lab to discuss India's digital future. First the celebrated mobile guru Ralph Simon (creator of the mobile ringtone, CEO of Mobilium, mobile strategy advisor to Madonna, Lady Gaga, and the FIFA World Cup) spoke on global trends in mobile entertainment. Following Ralph was Rikin Gandhi who is an Ashoka Fellow, an MIT T35 awardee and on India Today’s hotlist of most promising Indians below 35, who spoke on how he’s empowering a video revolution in rural India through his NGO Digital Green. The third speaker was Bill Thies from Microsoft Research, who is the –cofounder of CGNet Swara, an audio based citizen journalism service based in Chattisgarh. And finally there was Nikhil Pahwa, the Editor in Chief of Medianama, India’s digital media monitor. 

The videos for the four speakers can be viewed through the following links 

Ralph Simon:

Rikin Gandhi:

Bill Thies:

Nikhil Pahwa: